Bad Trucking Driving Habits

Truck drivers can have terrible driving habits, and it’s important figuring out if you have them as well. It can only make everyone’s life on the road safer.
Here are 9 wrong habits truck drivers should watch out for

1. Ineffective lane discipline

Staying in your lane is crucial in any condition, but truck drivers must stay carefully inside the lines for the safety of all vehicles. If large trucks do not follow these guidelines, they may endanger other vehicles.

2. Improper parking

A truck may need to park in a tiny lot that isn’t built for huge trucks on occasion. It might create a difficult parking situation. Nonetheless, it is in everyone’s best interests if great care is used while parking to ensure goods are offloaded securely and the road is as clear as possible.

3. Smartphone use

No truck driver, like any other motorist on the road, should be using their smartphone while driving. If you need to make a call, a hands-free device is advised so you can keep both hands on the wheel at all times.

4. Driving with arrogance

Your truck may be larger than a regular four-wheel vehicle, but that doesn’t mean you own the road. Small car drivers may be hesitant to approach a truck. For the benefit of everyone’s safety, the laws of the road should be respected.

5. Improper cargo security

Before beginning on a journey, ensure sure your cargo is secure. Even if you’re pressed for time. Unsecure cargo might jeopardize your delivery and cause serious damage to other vehicles on the road.

6. Driving while eating

Truckers should not eat or drink while driving, just as they should not use their cellphones. Given the lifestyle of a truck driver, it’s a simple habit to develop, yet it may be distracting and lead one to lose attention.

7. Failure to Check Blind Spots

Blind spots are inherently dangerous, but failing to check them is even riskier. Drivers who don’t look tend to drift into other lanes, almost colliding with other vehicles; this may result in worry and distraction at the very least, and a major automobile accident at the very worst. When changing lanes, make sure not only to check the proper mirror but also to look over your shoulder to ensure the coast is clear.

8. Excessive speeding

Okay, we all do it now and then. That does not, however, make it acceptable! One of the most common causes of automobile accidents is exceeding the speed limit, which leads to many of the other behaviors on this list. Consider how many accidents could be avoided if we all followed established speed limits.

9. Without Signaling, Changing Lanes

In congested areas, utilizing your blinker to signify a lane change is essential; otherwise, other drivers would be unaware of your intentions. It’s simpler to be lazy about turning it on when traffic is light. You may or may not be hauled over for this infringement, but regardless of the circumstances or legislation, good habits begin with excellent communication.

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